
sightings of cirl bunting at South Combe farm

We have had four sightings of at least one pair of cirl bunting at South Combe Farm, Salcombe Regis this spring and summer.

We have been really pleased to have had at least four different independent sightings of at least one pair of cirl bunting at South Combe Farm, Salcombe Regis this spring and summer.

Whilst common throughout Europe the cirl bunting, a farmland song bird, was really struggling 30 years ago, with just 118 pairs left in a small section of South Devon.

A project lead by the RSPB and Natural England, to encourage and support farmers in South West Devon and into Cornwall, to adjust their land management, lead to 862 breeding pairs being recorded in 2010*.

Until recently the furthest east that the cirl bunting had been seen was at Exminster and Powderhan Marshes, then a couple of years ago we heard of some sightings to the west of Sidmouth at Peak Hill, and although we had suspected that the population may have extended to the east of Sidmouth, we hadn't any confirmed sightings.

Interestingly "grasshoppers are particularly important for the chicks" (RSPB).

If you walk through the fields at SouthCombe in the spring you will be able to hear the grasshoppers and often see them jumping out of the long straggly grass as you walk through.

While sometimes the fields may look overgrown and untidy, lots of long grass and seed heads are impotant for the cirl bunting as well a range of insects, bees, and butterflies.
Some of the sightings at South Combe were from bird watching groups organised by the Sid Valley Biodiversity Group and another was from a holiday maker who sent me this lovely email...

"I had a pleasant surprise on Monday morning in watching a pair of Cirl Buntings in one of your fields... I'd already seen a single male, picking seeds from the gravel path beside the viewpoint/diorama. The pair by the gate flew down from an adjacent hedge.

The male systematically picked mist-sodden seeds from a dandelion clock. I watched them for about 5 minutes before they flew on. I was in Sidmouth with my wife for the Bank Holiday weekend just gone and my morning walk was up to your lovely farm. I must confess I was surprised to see them.

I hadn't realised they were any closer than Exminster. I thought I should report them just in case they were unusual here and saw your email address in the Sidmouth Herald article from 7/2/22. I'm sure you are well aware of their presence but thought I'd email anyway just to say how much I enjoyed the meadows and woods around SCF.

I also saw and/or heard Yellowhammer, Chiffchaff, Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Swallows (skimming over the cliffside meadow) and a Raven (being mobbed by a nesting pair of crows). Thanks again - and well done for creating such a splendid and bio-diverse patchwork of habitats".

To find out more about the cirl bunting have a look at the RSPB website

*BBC 16/2/2010

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